Thank you to everyone for attending or sending a note!
James Center for the Performing Arts
Need the address & time?
506 N Blake Ave, Sequim, WA 98382
11:00am until 4:00pm
Our family encourages you to drop in when you are able as this will not be a formal event.
Wondering how to dress? Ask yourself what type of shirt would Richard wear. Math? Bad pun? Music? Weird colors? All fair game. Basically, something with no holes please. Again, this is not formal.

Prefer using a card?
Please Venmo Amanda. Be sure to add band donation to the note.
Thank you!
I’m pleased to say we are able to donate $1000 to both Sequim City Band and PAHS Band Booster Endowment Fund!
Richard begin playing with the band about 15 years ago! Learn more about Sequim City Band.
PAHS Band Boosters Endowment Fund was established in 2003 to establish an on-going source of funds to generate scholarships for graduating band students.
Richard and Amanda are long time supporters of the fund.

Anything else?
If you wish to give directly we invite you to use GoFundMe, MealTrain, or Venmo.
Richard worked at Nikola Engineering for 20 years as the design engineer for car audio amplifiers. Beyond his titled job description, he got the workplace safety program off the ground making sure Nikola remained OSHA compliant. When they decided to purchase a new office space, Richard handled the building maintenance systems from fire sprinklers to lawn sprinklers, HVAC systems to security systems, electrical and building lighting.
Over the years as new projects came up he grew into a role of project manager as well.
Occasionally travel was required. Places he went for work were CES in Las Vegas, California, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and mainland China several times.
He took on a lot and is greatly appreciated and missed.
Read his obituary to learn even more!
Chanway Quartet
From a duo to a quartet. We’ve traveled around the western United States, Thailand, China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

Weird, oldest, and silly;
“[movie title] is awful, you should watch it.”

Task manager & Financial planner; “get gooder”

“just built better”

“the damn cutest”
I can’t believe he died! When and what happened? Did you know?
Neither can we. He died on Sept. 9th from Pulmonary thromboemboli due to deep venous thrombosis of lower extremities. Sadly, we didn’t know he had deep venous thrombosis.
Do you need help?
We probably do. This has been so difficult we have no idea what we need help with yet.
I want to know a random fact, could you tell me one?
Despite not really liking dogs, Richard always attracted our friend’s dogs when we went to their houses or attended common events with them. He much preferred cats.
How about another fact?
When Richard traveled, he always took chocolates for the flight attendants. Over the years this gesture typically got him a free food item from first class such as dessert, latte, mixed drink, and an extra couple of snacks.
On his most recent flight in January, he was treated to an entire bag of snacks, first class slippers and toiletry bag, playing cards, a book for Edwin, stationary, a personalized card saying thank you for being a great customer, plus a few other things.
Third times a charm! What’s another one?
Richard had a Duolingo streak of 1027 days as of Sept 8th. He placed in the Diamond league for 15 weeks. His xp total was 187151.
Thank you for joining us.
- Leave a note or memory
- Enjoy music, but especially band music.
- Tell someone a pun. Richard would.